Franchise Full Payment


In the Affiliate Learning Program (ALP1), students will be introduced to the Basics of Foreign Exchange or most commonly known as FOREX.  In this module, they will learn what is FOREX and its history.  What is it that is traded on the Foreign Exchange, how to Read a Forex Quote,  the advantages of Forex Trading, Vital Forex Definitions, and Currency Acronyms and Abbreviations in ForEx.


Payment Terms (4 Terms):

  • 25% – Down Payment upon Registration

  • 25% – Before ALP Graduation

  • 25% – Before Advanced Learning Start

  • 25% – Before Apprenticeship


  • ALP Program,
  • Advanced Learning Master Class Program,
  • Apprenticeship,
  • Ultimate Scalper,
  • Miscellaneous Fee,
  • Student ID,
  • Uniform,
  • Personal Accident Insurance
SKU: fnmc-alp-1-partial-2-1-1 Category: Tags: ,